Cheating camera 4g with earpiece
Invisible camera to cheating exams
Spy earpiece with camera to exam cheating
Spy earpiece camera wifi
Exam cheating camera with earpiece

Spy Earpiece Camera Lar®


  • USD: $1,685.94
  • AED: 6,188.05 د.إ
  • QAR: 6,131.89 ر.ق
  • INR: 140,494.7 ₹
  • KWD: 518.42 د.ك
  • RUB: 150,820.8 ₽


Invisible Camera to Spy Earpiece

“Spy Earpiece Camera”, Earpiece Camera unlimited coverage

This great “spy earpiece Camera” has no resemblance to any 3g button camera and provides a solution to the problem they present, allowing the document to be focused and transmitted without making any movements that would be suspicious at unlimited distance.

Camera to cheating exams…

When using 3G-Gprs-Gsm frequency our equipment can operate in terms of coverage in 90% of the world.

Our assistant will receive from the other side of the country paragraphs transmitted directly or full size sheets of paper pages with no one around us noticing anything

For text transmission the Lar Spy Earpiece Camera can work in two ways:

Spy Earpiece Camera transmitting real-time paragraphs (First part of our video demo)

Spy Earpiece Camera transmitting full pages in real-time (48 seconds)


Transmitting text with the Spy Earpiece camera of real time video

Please wait until you see the video


Spy Earpiece.Com presents the Lar Camera to transmit texts and documents invisibly over an unlimited distance.

In this first part, Spy Earpiece .com shows how to transmit paragraphs directly to a computer or a mobile phone using this invisible camera.

The distance than can be covered is unlimited, for example, the emitter could be in Washington and the receiver in New York, the only requirement is 3G or GPRS cover.

This fantastic system designed by Spy is designed to work in conjunction with a ballpoint pen, which aligns the text revision just by underlining, while transmitting to the exterior without running any risks.

If anyone suspects something, the camera disappears, (is not a button camera) the ballpoint pen can be dismounted, even shown or given away, there´s nothing quite like it!

Next we will test out how a text can be received on the PC screen of the computer or mobile phone, and not forgetting, over an unlimited distance.

The same camera can transmit as shown and can also send complete pages as can be seen as follows.

Another option offered by the Camera Lar for texts is the transmission of complete pages; in this case, Spy Earpiece .Com shows us how to receive the information on a any smartphone.

If the telephone does not have a suitable screen, the complete pages can be sent to the computer, where they can be displayed more conveniently.

However, as can be seen in the video a large screen mobile phone will suffice, since the zoom function can move around the document and enabling it to be read with total clarity.

Generally this type of camera is used in conjunction with a “Spy Earpiece” with which our assistant, after receiving the texts from the document, can facilitate the data or information required without absolutely anybody noticing that we are being informed from the outside.

Attention: to cheat on a test, copy exams or exams traps our with this spy earpiece camera, may be prohibited in their country…

Tags:”Button Camera to Spy Earpiece”, “Button covert camera”,”Camera Cheating”, “Camera with hidden earpiece”, “Camera for cheat on test“, “Camera for cheat on exams